Hall opening 2020.11.03.


ITK Holding Zrt.’s production capacity in Debrecen increased by five thousand square metres.


ITK Holding Zrt. has reached the next stage of its infrastructure development. As part of this, we have significantly increased the capacity of the body shop in Debrecen and the amount of infrastructure installed.

A factory hall meeting the technological challenges and sustainability aspects of today was inaugurated on 3 November 2020 at the Industrial Park on Határ Road in Debrecen. The ceremonial opening was attended by Dr. László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen, Dr. László Mosóczi, Minister of State for Transport Policy of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Péter Ratatics, Managing Director of MOL Hungary, Oszkár Világi, Member of the Board of Directors of MOL, Dóra Uray, Director of EvoBus Hungária Kft. Tibor Szilveszter, Sales and Marketing Director of Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft., and our Hungarian Olympic swimmers Tamás Darnyi and Dr. Sándor Wladár.

“The number of economic players choosing Debrecen is constantly growing, and today we can clearly state that the Debrecen-centred eastern region of the country has become one of the most competitive regions, thanks to companies such as the ITK Group, among others,” said László Papp.

“ITK Group has experienced dynamic growth in recent years thanks to its innovative technological investments. The new plant, which covers a total of 5,000 square metres, is a source of pride for all the company’s employees, it is modern, it is equipped to meet all professional and safety requirements and it offers a truly wide range of services for a sector. The new plant will certainly contribute to the revival of the tradition of bus manufacturing in Hungary and to the revitalisation of the industry,” said László Mosóczi.

“In this challenging era, innovation, reliability and value creation are key. We have found an excellent partner in Inter Traction Electrics Ltd. for all of these,” said Tibor Szilveszter.

“The future of mobility needs to be imagined in a new vision that is environmentally friendly, self-driving and based on sharing. These dreams can only be realised with a strong partner,” said Péter Ratatics.

As part of the event, our distinguished guests signed three Mercedes-Benz Reform bus windscreens, two of which were installed on the same day in two Reform 501 LE buses that were being assembled.


„Jelen kihívásokkal teli korszakban az innováció, a megbízhatóság és az értékteremtés kiemelt szerepet játszik. Mindezekben kitűnő partnerre találtunk a Inter Traction Electrics Kft.-ben”-emelte ki Szilveszter Tibor.

„A jövőt a mobilitás tekintetében új vízióban kell elképzelni, ami környezetkímélő, önvezető és megosztáson alapuló. Ezeket az álmokat csak erős partnerre támaszkodva lehet megvalósítani.”-mondta Ratatics Péter.

Az esemény részeként kiemelt vendégeink aláírásukkal láttak el három Mercedes-Benz Reform autóbusz szélfogó üveget, melyek közül kettő még aznap beépítésre került két, éppen összeszerelés alatt álló Reform 501 LE autóbuszba.